
Game Time

Game time is UTC/GMT +9 hours

Check your local time here:
World Clock

Battlefield Times

There is one Battlefield about every 40 minutes.
For each level range, there is one Battlefield every 4 hours and 40 minutes.

The first Battlefield for each day is at 00:00 for levels 91 to 99.

The cycle is:
91 to 99
71 to 80
51 to 60
100 to 110
81 to 90
61 to 70
41 to 50


Battlefield is a timed and level restricted PvP between Elerd and Rogwel.
Also called Steam Core Battlefield or BF for short.

You have to be at least level 41 to enter the Battlefield.

God Callers, Paladins and Summoners should summon after entering the Battlefield.
Summons disappear when you move into the Battlefield.

For Elerd, talk to Anamoni in Nasdaim near the Subway to enter the Battlefield.
For Rogwel, talk to Newmar north of the Zeppelin in Ganedine.

Inside the Battlefield, talk to Satarin/Elerd or Kurosa/Rogwel to actually enter the Battlefield.

You can also enter the Battlefield from Rope Isle.
It costs 3,000 gold to enter the Battlefield from Rope Isle.
Talk to Kelic/Steamcore Battlefield at Iron Base for Rogwel.
Cycan/Steamcore Battlefield is found in Elerd's Tranquilty Refuge.
You can also exit from the Battlefield to Rope Isle for 3,000 gold.

You will automatically join a party when Battlefield starts.
You are free to make your own party once Battlefield starts.

Battlefield lasts for 20 minutes.

The goal is to take control of the 5 Steam Cores that spawn.
Click on the Steam Core to take control of the core.
You can steal a Steam Core from the other side.
Battlefield will end if one side controls all 5 Steam Cores.

Don't take control of all 5 Steam Cores so you can PvP for as long as possible.
You will get Patriotism for each kill.

You also get 1 Patriotism for each Steam Core you control or steal from the other side.

The side that controls the most cores after 20 minutes wins.
If the winning side has all 5 Steam Cores after 20 minutes, that side gets 100 Patriotism.
If the winning side does not have all 5 Steam Core when the game ends, there is no 100 Patriotism awarded.

A Steam Core

Battlefield Kirinis

Can spawn in the middle during certain Battlefields.

Uses the following skills:
Attack Power
Mortal Attack
Hazard Storm
Mass Death Sign Skill
HealEX skill

Battlefield Schedule

You can enter the Battlefield 19 minutes before the start

Levels 41 to 50
18:40, 23:20, 04:00, 08:40, 14:00

Levels 51 to 60
20:40, 01:20, 06:00, 10:40, 16:00

Levels 61 to 70
22:40, 3:20, 08:00, 12:40, 18:00

Levels 71 to 80
20:00, 00:40, 05:20, 10:00, 15:20

Levels 81 to 90
22:00, 02:40, 07:20, 12:00, 17:20

Levels 91 to 99
19:20, 00:00, 04:40, 09:20, 14:40

Levels 100 to 110
21:20, 02:00, 06:40, 11:20, 16:30

No Battlefield between 20:00 to 23:00 on days of siege war

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